Price List

  • First Consultation £45
    Recheck Consultation £30

    Prescription Fee £20

    Nurse Consultation £20
    (inc. nail clipping, anal glands)

    Animal Health Certificate £150 (1 pet)
    Additional pets £50 each

  • Booster £65

    Primary Course £85

    Booster + Kennel Cough £80

    Rabies £80

    Rabbit £75

  • All prices include post-operative checks and pain relief to take home.


    Cats £100

    Dogs £225 - £300

    Rabbits £120


    Cats £135

    Dogs £260 - £425

    Rabbits £140

  • All prices include post operative checks and pain relief to take home. We strongly recommend that all cats have dental x-rays with any procedure.

    Cat Dog

    Scale and polish — £330

    Scale, polish, x-ray £380 £430

    Simple extractions £480 £530

    Moderate extractions £580 £630

    Complex extractions £680 £730

Members get unlimited consultations included within their monthly fee along with a 10% discount on neutering, dentistry and selected chronic medications.

Prices for other procedures such as surgeries, diagnostic imaging and laboratory testing can vary significantly depending on a number of factors. Typically these procedures would follow a consultation where we would be able to provide detailed estimates for the treatment options available to help you decide on the best course of action for your pet.